Flip This Love - Men of Mobile, #2 - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 Maggie Wells - Flip This Love - Men of Mobile, #2.
She was born to southern royalty. He's the guy who bulit himself an empire. But nothing draws a magnate like a steel magnolia.  Harley Cade is back... Lire la suite
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She was born to southern royalty. He's the guy who bulit himself an empire. But nothing draws a magnate like a steel magnolia.  Harley Cade is back in town-and the former bad boy is downright irresistible now that he's donned a hard hat and set to work restoring the South's finest homes to their former grandeur. While wealth may have gained Harley entry into high society, it's going to take a lot more than a fat bank account to win the lovely Laney Tarrington. Laney isn't open to giving the self-made magnate a second chance-no matter how much she needs him.
With her family fortune gone, Laney finally has to stand on her own two feet. The last person she'd ever lean on is Harley, the man who left her behind with nothing more than memories of the passion they once shared.. With the attraction still burning hot between them, Harley isn't above seduction-or secretly buying Laney's bankrupted family's estate. After all, he no longer has to prove himself to anyone, least of all the daughter of Mobile, Alabama's most prestigious family.
But will pride keep Harley from gaining the biggest prize of all-a place in Laney's heart?


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Biographie de Maggie Wells

By day, Margaret Ethridge/Maggie Wells is buried in spreadsheets. At night she pens tales of people tangling up the sheets. This author of feminist, sex-positive romance is the product of a charming rogue and a shameless flirt. You only have to scratch the surface of this mild-mannered married lady to find a naughty streak a mile wide.

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