Lust For Life - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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Irving Stone - Lust For Life.
Lust for Life is the classic fictional re-telling of the incredible life of Vincent Van Gogh. "Vincent is not dead. He will never die. His love, his genius,... Lire la suite
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Lust for Life is the classic fictional re-telling of the incredible life of Vincent Van Gogh. "Vincent is not dead. He will never die. His love, his genius, the great beauty he has created will go on forever, enriching the world. He was a colossus. a great painter. a great philosopher. a martyr to his love of art. "Walking down the streets of Paris the young Vincent Van Gogh didn't feel like he belonged.
Battling poverty, repeated heartbreak and familial obligation, Van Gogh was a man plagued by his own creative urge but with no outlet to express it. Until the day he picked up a paintbrush. Written with raw insight and emotion, follow the artist through his tormented life, struggling against critical discouragement and mental turmoil and bare witness to his creative journey from a struggling artist to one of the world's most celebrated artists.


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Biographie d'Irving Stone

Irving Stone was born in San Francisco in 1903 and received his B. A. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1923 and his Master's degree from the University of Southern California in 1924. He wrote plays and supported himself by writing detective stories until the publication of Lust for Life, his first novel, in 1934, Stone called his work 'bio-history' and based his novels on meticulous and extensive research into the lives of the historical characters at the heart of his novels.
He married his editor, Jean Factor, in 1934. He founded the Academy of American Poets in 1962. He died in Los Angeles in 1989.

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