One Stranger Day - Imaginative Minds, #1 - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 J. Forrich - One Stranger Day - Imaginative Minds, #1.
If you want to know yourself, you won't be the same"My passion, my want, my need - my seduction. Boys and men, they are only a tools for my womanhood."Woman... Lire la suite
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If you want to know yourself, you won't be the same"My passion, my want, my need - my seduction. Boys and men, they are only a tools for my womanhood."Woman is in power. Woman rules the game. Woman owns the game. Men are merely pawns. One Stranger Day is the first book of the book series "Imaginative Minds", which includes short erotic novels for open-minded adults. Real fiction of the women's sexuality.


  • Date de parution
  • Editeur
  • Collection
    Imaginative Minds
  • ISBN
  • EAN
  • Format
  • Caractéristiques du format ePub
    • Protection num.
      pas de protection

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