Route 19 Revisited - The Clash and the Making of London Calling - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

M Gray

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M Gray - Route 19 Revisited - The Clash and the Making of London Calling.
Twenty-eight years after its original release, The Clash's London Calling was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. It has topped polls for the best... Lire la suite
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Twenty-eight years after its original release, The Clash's London Calling was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. It has topped polls for the best album of the seventies (and of the eighties). It regularly makes the top five in Best of British album polls; and its always there in the polls for the Greatest Albums of All Time. Now Marcus Gray tells the story of when, how and where this iconic album was made, detailing the stories behind its songs, revealing contexts for the album both personal and political, and considering the effects since on the members of the band and on our culture.


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Biographie de M Gray

Marcus Gray is the author of The Last Gang in Town (1997), perhaps the best ever book on the Clash. He lives in Belfast.

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