A Spark of Death and Fury - Apollo Ascending, #4 - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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 Nicole Bailey - A Spark of Death and Fury - Apollo Ascending, #4.
The world is on fire. But one thing burns hotter. Revenge.  The high gods have fallen. The spark is gone. And chaos is the new king. Amidst a scrabble... Lire la suite
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The world is on fire. But one thing burns hotter. Revenge.  The high gods have fallen. The spark is gone. And chaos is the new king. Amidst a scrabble to survive, gods step up to steal Zeus' place. The treachery they cause pushes characters' moral boundaries and forces them into one last fight for survival. A blaze of wrath may save them all or finally lead to their ruin. A Spark of Death and Fury is the riveting fourth installment of the Apollo Ascending series, full of love, heartbreak, and unexpected turns wrapped in an explosive finale.


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