A Widow's Dilemma in Cuba - Misadventures of Janie and Diane, #4 - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

LJ Green

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 LJ Green - A Widow's Dilemma in Cuba - Misadventures of Janie and Diane, #4.
A widow ventures to the tropical paradise of Cuba for a vacation with her niece. Reunited with a former friend of her husband's, her heart gets involved.... Lire la suite
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A widow ventures to the tropical paradise of Cuba for a vacation with her niece. Reunited with a former friend of her husband's, her heart gets involved. Will she get a second chance at love? Diane and her niece, Janie, have been traveling together, saving political figures, solving crimes and capturing spies for the last couple of years. Now they are going on a tropical vacation in Cuba. Diane will be confronting her past and Janie is coming along for the ride.


  • Date de parution
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  • Collection
    Misadventures of Janie and Dia
  • ISBN
  • EAN
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  • Caractéristiques du format ePub
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      Contenu protégé

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Biographie de LJ Green

Hello, My name is L. J. Green. If you really must know that stands for Lillian Jade Green. I am a newly penned author recounting the tales of my late, great aunt and cousin who were quite the black sheep of the family I must tell you. I had just graduated from high school when our nation was fully involved in some horrific and trying times. With nothing better to do I went to clean out our attic and I found some old diaries.
They were tucked away in an old steamer trunk that my mother had inherited from her mother. My own mother was never interested in the contents as they looked to be well-preserved and undisturbed for quite a number of years. I truly enjoyed reading them during that long, hot summer when we had very little money for frills of any kind and no prospects for that changing any time in the future. Having enjoyed them I thought I would turn them into a fiction series for you to enjoy as well.
The adventures that follow are almost entirely recounted as written with just a flourish or two of my own. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I have in reading and recounting them.

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