Politics: A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

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This is your go-to guide to politicsAs the UK gears up for a snap general election on the back of a hotly contested and divisive referendum, there has... Lire la suite
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This is your go-to guide to politicsAs the UK gears up for a snap general election on the back of a hotly contested and divisive referendum, there has never been a better time to discover more about politics and how it works. Politics: A Complete Introduction explains everything you need to know, giving you a comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction to a complex subject. Inside you will learn about different political ideologies and systems, referendums, elections and electoral systems, political parties and party systems, protest, the media and politics, constitutions and human rights, what the courts do, and how the machinery of government is organised.
It also covers the nation state in the modern world and international terrorism. Politics: A Complete Introduction is a jargon-free guide that will get you informed, fast.


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