Staying at Home - Independent Reading White 10 - E-book - Epub fixed layout

Edition en anglais

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Maya is very excited for her family's annual trip to the seaside. When she is suddenly struck down with chicken pox, she must make the best of missing... Lire la suite
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Maya is very excited for her family's annual trip to the seaside. When she is suddenly struck down with chicken pox, she must make the best of missing out. For Independent Reading at White Band 10, readers aged 5-7 years. This story is part of Reading Champion, a series carefully linked to book bands to encourage independent reading skills, developed with Dr Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin of UCL Institute of Education (IOE).
Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills. Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.


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À propos des auteurs

Heather Maisner is author of over 30 children's books, translated into 8 languages, including the award-winning Magic Hourglass, Magic Globe and Diary of a Princess. She also teaches creative writing to children. Her books range from picture books to books for fluent young readers. Often combining fiction with fact and games with information, they are ideal for beginner and reluctant readers. Heather is author and publisher of Dinosaur Douglas Books, featuring the very naughty Dinosaur Douglas, written in rhyme, with zany illustrations by street painter Alex Godwin, covering subjects from oral health to obesity.
Heather loves to walk, dance, travel (speaks five languages), make bread and cook for her large family - and amazing black cat. Born and brought up in the Steel City, Jamshedpur, drawing has been Parwinder's hobby and passion since childhood (so he took it as his career). Parwinder spent the early years of his career in classical 2D animation but eventually he was fascinated by various styles of illustration and was driven to the beautiful world of children's books.
Parwinder works on and creates many different styles of illustration for numerous books with his Wacom pen. Drawing and colouring for almost 14 years with different art studios and companies, he finally decided to go it alone. Freelancing has given Parwinder the chance he always wanted - he is able to explore more styles and travel to different places. Parwinder loves to work digitally.

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