The Infinity - THE INFINITY, #1 - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

Rawad Yaghi

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 Rawad Yaghi - The Infinity - THE INFINITY, #1.
The "THE INFINITY" comic book series chronicles the struggle between the God of Light and the God of Darkness. In the beginning, the God of light sacrificed... Lire la suite
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The "THE INFINITY" comic book series chronicles the struggle between the God of Light and the God of Darkness. In the beginning, the God of light sacrificed herself and divided her spirit into seven distinct masks, in order to revive peace in the world. These seven masks were then sealed away inside a tome known as the "Book of Darkness". For several centuries, the world lived in peace. However, this peace was shattered when a archaeological explorer rediscovered the Book of Darkness.
This led to a constant fluctuation between the present time and the past. Amidst this, the hero named Alexandre became the seventh chosen wielder of one of the masks. From here, the series delves into the mysteries and secrets surrounding the Infinity World. The story follows Alexandre's adventures as he attempts to contain the forces of evil that threaten to destroy the entire world.


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Biographie de Rawad Yaghi

Rawad Yaghi, a young Syrian artist and writer, is currently pursuing his studies at the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the National Private University. His passion for storytelling and visual arts is evident in his acclaimed comic book series, "THE INFINITY."Rawad's captivating illustrations and engaging narratives transport readers to a world of epic battles, ancient mysteries, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness.
His talent and dedication make him a rising star in the world of comics, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and creative spirit of Syria.

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