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In?ulin i? ??n?id?r?d f?r b?th a protein ?nd a h?rm?n?. It is th? regulating body t? di?tribut? the necessary ?m?unt ?f blood ?ug?r r??uiring in ???h ??ll. Wh?n we ??t, th? f??d i? converting into glu????. This i? ?im?l? sugar. In ?dditi?n, it is wid?l? kn?wn ?? "bl??d ?ug?r level". Insulin r?gul?t?? glu???? m?t?b?li?m, it ?l?? stimulates li??g?n??i?, dimini?h?? li??l??i?, and increases ?min? ??id tr?n???rt?ti?n int? ??ll?.
THIS BOOK INCLUDE:The Functions of InsulinInsulin ResistanceEffects of High InsulinEffects of High Insulin on the EyeEffects of High Insulin on the ArteriesEffects of High Insulin on the Nerves and BrainInsulin and Hormone RelationshipsNutrients and Insulin Balance