The Tunnels of Cu Chi - A Remarkable Story of War in Vietnam - E-book - ePub

Edition en anglais

John Penycate


Tom Mangold

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The story of an extraordinary campaign in the Vietnam War - fought in a 200-mile labyrinth of underground tunnels and chambers. The campaign in the tunnels... Lire la suite
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The story of an extraordinary campaign in the Vietnam War - fought in a 200-mile labyrinth of underground tunnels and chambers. The campaign in the tunnels of Cu Chi was fought with cunning and savagery between Viet Cong guerrillas and special teams of US infantrymen called 'Tunnel Rats'. The location: the 200-mile labyrinth of underground tunnels and secret chambers that the Viet Cong had dug around Saigon.
The Tunnel Rats were GIs of legendary skill and courage. Armed only with knives and pistols, they fought hand-to-hand against a cruel and ingenious enemy inside the booby-trapped blackness of the tunnels. For the Viet Cong the tunnel network became their battlefield, their barracks, their arms factories and their hospitals, as the ground above was pounded to dust by American shells and bombs.


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À propos des auteurs

Tom Mangold has been a senior investigative reporter and war correspondent for BBC TV News and Current Affairs for thirty years and has won numerous awards for his work. He is the author of four bestselling books (THE FILE ON THE TSAR, THE TUNNELS OF CU CHI, COLD WARRIOR and PLAGUE WARS). He is married and lives in West London. John Penycate is a television and print journalist. He has reported regularly on-screen for BBC The Money Programme and Panorama over the past twenty years from dozens of countries around the world, and interviewed major political and business leaders.
Earlier, he was a globe-trotting Panorama producer. He has written articles for the national press, and co-wrote the non-fiction book PSYCHOPATH. He is a visiting lecturer at the journalism departments of London and Westminster Universities. He lives in London, and is active in institutes and societies concerned with the media and public affairs.

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